Activity Schedule App
This app displays a sample extracurricular schedule for a student
Education & Training
Explore the interactive sample app on this page then create a activity schedule app of your own.
A customizable app for keeping track of events, share and collaborate the schedule and details of your choice. Browse this sample app.
You can do the following with the Extracurricular Schedule:
- Manage your after-school activities. The activities view groups the activities by day so it's easy to quickly see what is happening when.
-Add new activities. If you take on a new activity and want to add it to the schedule, just click "New". You'll be able to name the activity, choose the day, the time, and add an image.
- View notes associated with activities on specific dates. When you click into any activity, you'll see a "View" button with a number next to it. That number refers to how many notes there are for that activity. Clicking "View" allows you to see helpful notes instructing the user about special circumstances for that day's activity.
- Add notes to activities. If you click into an activity, you'll see next to "Notes" a "View" and a "New" button. Clicking "New" allows you to add a new note, with the ability to choose which activity and which day, specify the exact date for the note, and then add your comments.
Also see:
tablet mode & fullscreen mode
How we built this app
We first used a Google Sheet to record all activities, the days and times on which they occur, notes, and images to be associated with each.
1. We created two worksheets within one workbook: a table for Activities and a table for Notes. We added both tables via Advanced Editor > Data > Tables > +Table. AppSheet always defaults to using the first worksheet, so the first table is fine as is. To specify the Notes table, we made sure to include "Notes" in the Worksheet Name/Qualifier.
2. Notice that we've chosen a combined (computed) key for both tables-- "Activity and Day" for Activities table and "Activity and Date" for Notes table. This is because the combined values of each of those columns will form a unique key AppSheet can use to uniquely identify each row. In my Notes worksheet, notice that each activity is listed with a day next to it. You'll see how this works in the next step.
3. We created a reference between column Activity in the Notes table to the Activities table. We did this by going to Advanced Editor > Data > Column Structure, selecting "Activity" from the Notes schema, and then changed its type to Ref. When we selected Ref, we needed to select a table we want to reference to. Now, when we add a note to an activity, the Activity combined with the Day (the computed key) will be a drop-down showing the values (the activity with the day next to it) from the Activity menu. You'll see in the dropdown we have distinguished between "Swim Practice: Monday" and "Swim Practice: Friday" so it's quick and easy to reference which activity on which day we want to write a note for-- since some activities happen more than once a week.
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.
This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.