Group Forum
Create group forums and tag colleagues
Field Service
This app will help you create and view messages in group forums as well as notify colleagues of important information. It can perform the following functions:
- View forum messages that you have access to
- Create forums to address your organization
- Create private forums to tackle group problems
- Reply / Comment in any message forum
- @Mention colleagues tagging anyone in the app
- View your comment history
Also see:
tablet mode & fullscreen mode
How we built this app
My Forums - A slice that restricts the forums that a user can see (i.e., forums for everyone and forums they have been added to). The message threads are organized by last comment date.
@Mentions - A virtual column that uses the EXTRACTMENTIONS() function to create a list of any text that begins with "@". When this happens it triggers an automation that sends an email to the mentioned users.
Private Message Forums - Select users from an Enumlist that references the Users table.
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.
This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.