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Group Forum

Create group forums and tag colleagues

Industry: n/a
Function: Field Service
This app will help you create and view messages in group forums as well as notify colleagues of important information. It can perform the following functions: - View forum messages that you have access to - Create forums to address your organization - Create private forums to tackle group problems - Reply / Comment in any message forum - @Mention colleagues tagging anyone in the app - View your comment history

How we built this app

My Forums - A slice that restricts the forums that a user can see (i.e., forums for everyone and forums they have been added to). The message threads are organized by last comment date. --- @Mentions - A virtual column that uses the EXTRACTMENTIONS() function to create a list of any text that begins with "@". When this happens it triggers an automation that sends an email to the mentioned users. --- Private Message Forums - Select users from an Enumlist that references the Users table.
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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