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Sales Reporting

A sales reporting app with Dashboard and Deck views of sales data grouped by time, person and vehicle type.

Industry: Automotive
Function: Sales & CRM
Create a custom sales report app like this sample. This sample uses multiple views of car sales data grouped by time, salesperson, and vehicle type Explore the interactive sample app on this page then create a sales report app of your own. Go to Table or Full Screen Mode for better visualization. The sales report app is a useful app for sales directors to review performance across different criteria. The app user can see the monthly performance by product, sales person and the overall sales performance by month and quarter. The user can also filter items out of the chart for a drill-down view by month or product. Go to By Make view, click on the anchor icon, you can download the data of the slice that is associated with the view in CSV format. The app uses Deck View as a "Table of Contents" to link to other views. This helps users to better navigate apps that have 20 menu views and a lot more ref views. The app also sends out scheduled emails on the whole team's quarterly sales data and on a specific sales rep's performance.

How we built this app

Here are some design highlights: 1. Each row of the CarSales spreadsheet is a separate product. The remaining columns in the spreadsheet are calendar months where sales volume data is included. We built it this way so the sales team can get complete fiscal year information. 2. We created views (Table, Chart, Deck, Dashboard etc) by going to UX and added new Chart views. The Dashboard View is a collection of different views in Table and Deck formats. 3. We added an app formula to the Totals columns that will automatically compute all of the values each quarter as well as of the year's sales for each car model. You'll see this in the Data>Column tab. 4. Slices, Data > Slices were made from the sales data to filter by Quarter and by Sales person. 5. Reports templates have been made from the slices to report sales data. 6. This App uses “App” type columns that contain deep links to views to connect sub views to main level views. The views “Quarterly Reports”, “Sales Person Charts” and “Other Vehicles” contain deep links to other views.
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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