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Truck Check2

Truck and Trailer Drivers pre-use walk around inspection App

Industry: n/a
Function: Inspections & Surveys
This App is used to provide a means to log a predetermined pre-use Truck and Trailer check. This allows each driver to carry out the same check on every truck before use. The App collects inspections and reports on any issues detected. It has a daily email report of truck issues, trailer issues and a weekly report of unresolved issues.

How we built this app

Details The Drivers fill in the checklists and details of any issues arising are then added to the nested issues forms. The issues fall into three categories, Dangerous, Serious and Moderate. Issues are reported via email on a daily basis and a weekly report is sent out of all the unresolved issues. The “Issue resolved?” column is a quick edit column and has a slider for quick editing. Calendar view The Calendar view shows the next due dates for routine truck services. The type of service is colour coded. More information about calendar views may be found here. https://blog.appsheet.com/calendar-view Dashboard view Dashboard: The dashboard view allows you to show multiple other views in one place. The Dashboard view has the truck and trailer issues and the details of the issues. The dashboard is interactive. Further help with App design. Further Information on basic AppSheet design may be found here. https://help.appsheet.com/app-design/app-design-101
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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