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Most Recent Child Row

This app shows how to get the most recent related row for a table

Industry: n/a
Function: Other
Often you have a Child table that references a Parent table. The rows in the Child table are ordered by some column (e.g. a timestamp of when the row was added). You can use a MAXROW formula to get the most recent Child row for every Parent row.

How we built this app

We created a virtual column in the Parent table called Most Recent Child. The formula we used for the virtual column is MAXROW("Child", "Timestamp", [_THISROW] = [Parent]). In the formula, [_THISROW] refers to the key of the current Parent row. [Parent] refers to the reference column in the Child table that points to the parent row.
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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