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Medical Tasks

Reference design for Ordered Tasks and punchlists in a workflow environment

Industry: n/a
Function: Education & Training
This reference design allows you to create templates of tasks and then spin off instances of those templates. It's designed minimally so that you, the copier of the app, can customize it as needed. Click "more information" for extended documentation. This app has a simple parent/child table relationship with Work Orders as a parent type that has multiple children called Steps. The premise is that a given work order can have many sub tasks (steps) which must be completed in a certain order. But it also has an entirely higher order of data model in the form of templates which contains tasks from a task library. These can then be copied as “instances” which result in Work Orders with Steps. Because of the above, any number of different workflow types can be created.

How we built this app

This reference design allows you to create templates of tasks and then spin off instances of those templates. It's designed minimally so that you, the copier of the app, can customize it as needed. Click "more information" for extended documentation. This app has a simple parent/child table relationship with Work Orders as a parent type that has multiple children called Steps. The premise is that a given work order can have many sub tasks (steps) which must be completed in a certain order. But it also has an entirely higher order of data model in the form of templates which contains tasks from a task library. These can then be copied as “instances” which result in Work Orders with Steps. Because of the above, any number of different workflow types can be created.
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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