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Icon Main Menu

Example of how to make a gallery view of clickable icons

Industry: n/a
Function: Other
This app shows how to make a main menu of large, clickable icons that take you to a particular view in the app.

How we built this app

In this app, we've got four tables: - People - Places - Things - Menu People, Places, and Things are just plain data tables. Menu is a table associating view names with icons. We first created a gallery view for our Menu table. This is our "Home" view in the center button position. Next, we created a Go To View action on the Menu table that uses a LINKTOVIEW([Name]) formula to create a link to the particular view in the menu. Lastly, we set the "Row Selected" event on our gallery view to call the Go To View action.
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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