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Sum by date

Compute stats over a custom date range

Industry: n/a
Function: Other
Sometimes you want to make a form that calculates some statistics over your data. This app demos how to do that. You choose an item color and a date range, and then it computes the total number of items in that date range that have the given color, and their total weight.

How we built this app

We've got two tables: Data (which contains items) and Stats. Stats is a table that has a single row in it. It holds the user's date range and color choice. We created a detail view of the Stats table with quick edit columns for the color choice and date range. We then added a virtual column that contains references to the items in the Data table that have the correct color and are in the correct date range. Finally, we added virtual columns to compute the total number of matching items and their total weight.
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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