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Time Track

A timesheet app that allows employees to log time in and time out.

Industry: n/a
Function: Human Resources
This Timesheet app allows employees to log time in and time out. A tablet or laptop could be setup as a kiosk as employees enter and leave the workplace. This showcases the list and slideshow controls. This application is ideal for businesses who need to track their employee’s work hours. Users clock on or clock off and then submit information that is immediately synced back to the central database. Managers can view the data along with calculations of wages based on hours worked. Data can be viewed on the manager’s Excel spreadsheet on OneDrive or a gsheet on Google Drive. Data can also be stored in our backend SQL database or linked to staging areas in your payroll systems. The system easily uses the devices camera to add the employees picture for help with identification. B2B Systems can customise this application to suit your requirements.

How we built this app

This is created from an existing appsheet sample app but demonstrates customisation of icons and colors. I have an idea to modify this so that if a user is already checked in then it will find and open the current timesheet and default the time out to the current time. These portfolio apps will be improved and updated as I attract clients and develop apps for them
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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