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Forms On Rails 1 - Linear

(Linear) Forced Form Flow

Industry: n/a
The purpose of this app is to demonstrate how you can implement a (Linear) Forced Form Flow. This is the most basic of forced form flows, with no intelligence that informs the system of what to do each save or variable passing; instead this setup simply sends the user to the next form - every time.

How we built this app

Setting up a (Linear) Forced Form Flow is quite straight forward, and consists of 3 elements: 1) Starting Form 2) Destination Form 3) DeepLink Action ----------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO SET THINGS UP ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1) COPY THE NAME of the destination form 2) CREATE AN ACTION - NAME: View | Destination (INSERT_FORM_NAME_HERE) - DO THIS: Go to another view inside this app - TAGET: LinkToView("INSERT_FORM_NAME_HERE") - PROMINENCE: Do not show (hidden) 3) Put this action inside the FORM'S "SAVE EVENT" ----------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT THE USER SEES ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1) The user opens the starting form, completes whatever's inside, and saves - Nothing new here 2) The user is automatically taken to the destination form If you setup another forced form flow inside your destination form (sending the user to another destination form), you can daisy-chain things - creating a complete series of forms from start to finish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Of course there's no intelligence in here, no conditional logic, and no variable passing either; there's many different versions of this system that you can implement inside your app - this merely demonstrates the foundation of how they all work. For more information about how to conditionally send a user to one form or another, see pt. 2
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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