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JOIN TABLE Many-To-Many Refs

JOIN TABLE Method for implementing Many-to-Many References

Industry: n/a
The purpose of this app is to demonstrate how you can use a JOIN TABLE to implement a many-to-many reference system in your app. While adding an additional layer into your app, this method utilizes the efficiencies of the REF_ROWS() system - and as such it's much more efficient than using a SELECT()

How we built this app

This app consists of two primary table - which we want to many-to-many connect together - and a JOIN table. - Each of the primary tables has an ENUMLIST column, to hold the "associated records from the other table" - But this field isn't the primary driver of the system; this is here to make data entry for the user easier - The primary driver is the JOIN TABLE - When I save a primary table's record, I need to loop through all the values inside the list from above - creating a join record for each value in the list - Conversely: when I create a record in the join table, I need to update the lists in the primary tables - This is accomplished with actions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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