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Geocoding with an Apps Script

How To Geocode With A Script

Industry: n/a
The purpose of this app, is to demonstrate how simple it can be to implement a geocoding system inside your app - If someone uploads a record WITH an address, we can generate the LatLong - If someone uploads a record WITH the latlong, but not the address, we can reverse geocode and find that too

How we built this app

The heart of how this works is two fold: 1) A geocoding script; to take either the address or latlong, and run that through the Google Maps API to find the corresponding data point 2) An automation that runs whenever a record is saved/updated; this passes the information given in the record to the script, and returns what we need
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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