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Contractor PM

An app for contractors to track projects, including costs and progress shown via a chart.

Industry: n/a
Function: Planning & Project Management
The app is a handy contractor tool to help keep track of projects. The app is connected to a spreadsheet where all the project information, including costs, is laid out for a project. The contractor can keep track of the project estimate and actual costs and progress of the different jobs performed in the project. As an additional bonus, the contractor can share the app with the customer so she/he can also keep track of expenditures and overall progress.

How we built this app

This sample app is based on the Contractor app in the AppSheet sample apps. It contains a custom action (and some code behind it) to display a combo chart (not possible with AppSheet natively.) Here are some design highlights: 1. The app contained numeric data and formulas in the spreadsheet. We decided to show a chart that compared estimated and actual costs by going to Advanced Editor > UX > Controls and added a view of type Chart - Col Series. AppSheet automatically built an app using columns with numeric data. We then selected a second column in the new view to compare two data points. 2. We grouped the sheet by status and by area using the UX view and selecting the appropriate grouping method when selecting List - Grouped. 3. We added conditional formatting to show Complete projects in green and Not Started in Red. To achieve this, we went to Advanced Editor > Data > Slices and created two slices. One when status equals Complete and one when status equals Not Started. We then went to Advanced Editor > UX > Formatting and created two formatting rules: one called Complete that points to the slice showing complete jobs, and another one pointing to the slices showing not yet started jobs. To learn more about formatting, go to: https://appsheethelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/206122068-Conditional-formatting You may copy this app for free and customize it with your own branding and projects. Note that the code tied to the Combo chart action will NOT be copied.
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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