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Handwritten List Capture

App demonstrates how to capture a handwritten list and then import each item as a record into a table. This is great for those or those who like to create handwritten lists while brainstorming a list of tasks, but want to easily convert them into itemized lists to track digitally.

Industry: Business Services
Function: Productivity
This app was made with 3 tables. Input, Scan and Qty List. List: Contains the list of tasks Scan Data: Records the images of the handwritten lists Qty List: Used to create a workflow that loops through each list of handwritten items. The max number in this list is the most items your app can handle. ie. If you table stops at 10, then your app will only generate 10 items then stop. Next, Scan Data table columns were updated/added: OCR text column’s initial value was set to extract text from the Camera scan image. OCR Text List virtual column added: The formula converts the handwritten image into text, then cleans the text by removing characters such as ; , and then converts the text to a list if there is a line break in the text. The result is a list of items from the image. Qty List virtual column added: This column creates a list of numbers 1 to n based on how many items are in the OCR Text List. List Count column’s initial value is set to count the number items in the OCR Text List. Creating the Looping Workflow Now that the app can convert an handwritten list and store it as a list of text in a column, we need to create a way for the app to create a record from each item in the list. An Adds_Only workflow that targets the Scan Data table is created and setup to with a webhook action. The webhook sends an Add row post to the List table. The body of the POST uses the Start function to loop through each number in the Qty List column creating a new record for each action. As a result we are able to keep track of each iteration of the loop and the workflow will stop once the loop reaches the max number in the Qty list column.

How we built this app

This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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